Wednesday, May 30, 2007
time for some CHEERING UP, screw the exams!!GREAT SINGAPORE SALE HERE I COME!When the going gets tough, THE TOUGH GOES SHOPPING.
wash me over
>6:33 AM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
THERE"S A NEW VENDING AT THE STUDY AREA!! ha, I walked past the study area today and thought something was odd, too bright alrdy, and I turned to look... THERE IT WAS!! emitting light.... hha.Went to eat subway today, yumm. And I dont have ta go ta school tomm! Yipps! lucky I didnt sign up for Humans Con!Prolly go ta town with Shalini and Chang! tsktsk, having a low-budget lunch.There' a fault in the timetable :1200-1300: chem 1330 to 1430: phy HALF AND HOUR MISSING!! so IT WAS SELF-PROCLAIMED LUNCH!!and sometimes I think AA is uuber funny. In a bad way but still, funny!
wash me over
>2:33 AM
Saturday, May 26, 2007
PW was crying over her results... SO I brought her to the rest of the levels to see other ppl getting bad results to cheer her up. (It's kindof sadistic, but IT WORKED.)went to the Sec 3 level, stumbled upon Miss Lum's class so we sat inside and talked to her, telling her how easy sec1 and 2 and 3 was. Kiss the A1s goodbye*then to the Sec 2 level where we saw this parent crying and the daughter sitting there in front of the teacher... please la, they should switch roles.tsk, sat at the parade ground wallowing in self-pity for like 20 mins. Saw juniors and asked them "so how did you do?" all the replies were" Okay lah"congrats, cos we did like S-HIT.cheer up PW! :"]
wash me over
>5:12 AM
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I think I won't go for cross country, Mum's fine with that.sigh, Im so tired today. Having adventures around the school with HeiTung. hmm, In all my 4 years in school, I discovered today that the toilet at the art atrium is outofbounds to students- it's called the PREFECTS' Toilet.Went and heard "GIrls you are not supposed to used this toilet, pls use toilet in the canteen." reply: "ya next time k."the prefect came in and nagged. tsk.So I saw prefect after recess, she was wearing that new uniform."Can i pull your tie?"P: "no""okay." **Pulled her tie** "the material wierd wierd one." :)monks and nicolle were trying to teach me how to lay-ups at the basketball court today. You know, I always thought it was called " lay- OUTS". haha. emm they said: 1. bounce the ball- I can do THAT! 2. left leg, catch ball then right leg, do a BICYCLE JUMP, flick the ball-I CAN"T THAT!why so much trouble, just run to the hoop and THROW THE DAMM BALL. but i think those bicycle jumps are cute. :'']
wash me over
>5:28 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
THE last time I checked, SCHOOL wasn't so FRIGGIN HARD. THANK YOU, I feel like drowning myself in a bucket.
wash me over
>1:49 AM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
I say Happy Birthday. 190507, 2310hours.
wash me over
>8:07 AM
I was in the library on Fiday and I suddenly heard this horrible, screeching pumping booming coughing, horrible noise. And it lasted like for long... It was okay during some parts, but some parts were really... "grosteque" .Later, I found out that they were having stmargs idol. This is accident no.1Accident 2: I waved to my junior who was with her friends before I entered the staffroom. When came out, I saw the 3 of them kneeling on the floor. walk nearer, saw one them bleeding from her chin. and one of them was holding a piece of tissue against her chin. I thought it wasnt that serious, until I saw the floor.... Blood. Alot of blood. Apparently, she slid down the stairs, head-on.I got her more tissue, like a lot more. And they called for the teachers. . I just knelt beside her with my hand on her back. man, it was bloody. Next, I assumed that we were going to watch stmargs idol and I made a banner with Debb that said "OMG!" haha, that was cool. Later shanshan came back and said she finished singing. Silence. She sang for us anyway, and I held the OMG! banner up, she burst out laughing. opps. I caused accident no.3. Despite such a accident-al day, I was happy. Ha, a bit wrong but it was because the next day was a
special day. Today's a special day. I thought I woke up early today:11am.
Went to town to walk walk and I just happened to message Nic and found that she was at PS. I was a centrepoint. She went to centrepoint, I walked out. We were like in the same building but just coudn't bump. She messaged me this " eh! we are like so near yet so far!" ha.
Chang was at wheelock, I walked finish Orchard still didnt meet her. Tsk.
I bought loads of stuff, cos today's a
special day.
haha, I cant believe i'm blogging in a party.
We're celebrating cos
today the 19th of May, Is a special day.2 more hours before this
special day ends.
wash me over
>6:13 AM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Okay, I haven't been getting this feeling for a long time, (since last month actually) : I need to pon school. There's nothing to do. Nothing to do during chinese, listening to lao shi go through the worksheet,
TIME PASSES SO SLOWLY WHEN YOU"RE GONNA DIE. recessed for an hour, watched the sec 1s do workout, Sec 2s doing DISC, but get this, they're going to Sentosa tomm. sec 3s did some redundant thing.
Amath: computer lab, they were laughing at MDM yeo, the real one. OMG, Alicia should take a pic beside Mdm yeo and say they're like sisters... okay not so kua,
mother and
daughter.I snucked out to go to the toilet, and I was whispering to monkey" hey! where's the nearest toilet?" And suddenly Mdm Yeo's voice rang out: "
"sweat drop...."went downstairs to find the Sec 2s eating, wanted to buy some sweets, but too obvious... Do i look like sec2? ha. Came back only to realise that Mdm yeo extended her period to 2 hours.
THE TEAR NEARLY CAME OUT OF MY EYES..... sigh, thank you.
It's another day tomorrow.
wash me over
>4:55 AM
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
haha, Alicia just messaged me: "Hey. You want morning call tmr anot? Ha:) dun oversleep tmr again horz. It's a normal sch day ya! Or else need to do CWO!"
eww, CWO. 7.40am, Heitung called me to ask where I am. "at home, nites."
woke up at 8.45, phone still in my hand... tsk, late.
MET NICOLE ON THE BUS, we're late together.
Nothing to do in school, I actually finished my compo and I bet laoshi didn't even know that I was in school... haha, he'll find my compo in his pigeon hole.

finally, a group pose.


attention: the sentosa tree hugger.
wash me over
>4:51 AM
Monday, May 14, 2007
I'm so tired... but i'm gonna blog anyway.
6.33am, woken up by alarm. feeling: grumpy.
Heitung called me when I was i the shower, asking me whether I was gonna go for chinese. duh.
spent the morning listening to laoshi bout the exam paper thing... and i think i did not bad, given the mistakes I made (lao shi was fuming)... ordered macs during the break and I ate hotcakes! Heitung was like complaining that she was hungry and I told her I was gonna puke on her... haha.
okay, duno how i survived till the end. fast forward to the afternoon. We played badminton, catch ball in the hall... went to steal basketballs left outside the staffroom to play at the basket ball court. desperate times call for desperate measures... Cos chang's sister took the ball to play with her REAL basketball friends..
SO the "NOT-SO-real" basketballers had to take it from the staffroom... haha. feeling: happy and kindof thirsty.
VIVOedshopSHOPshop. nothing much... came back. time: 11.00pm. Feeling : tired, and pissed off that i have to go to sch tomm again....
tsk... I'll post the rest of the sentosa pics tomm. nites. :"]
wash me over
>7:40 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
OMG! CHANG!! haha.... I can't stop laughing when I look at this...

the day i found that my skirt is actually not as long as i thought. haha.

I think xiaoxu is damm cute... haha.
wash me over
>6:03 AM
TO mummy and any other mummy who is reading this:
anyway, went to clark quay to eat dinner. It was nice, generally. Had the river view cos' we were sitting outside (mum wasn't quite glad) but it was kindof... err... romantic...
I was supposed to get flowers but there was no one selling flowers by the river (sounds so market) .... opps, sorry then.
and it's another day of sch tomm while the rest of "them" get to sleep in their comfy beds, i'll be having chinese, getting xiaoxu to translate what laoshi is scolding me about.
at least im going out again tomorrow night. I love night outings. It's so dark and everything.
oh oh! and we're staying back to play tennis and basketball at the basketball court tomorrow! that's a perk! :''] haha...
we did that last week, until the REAL basketballers came and we were too paiseh to go play beside them... kana thrashed.. haha.
wash me over
>5:36 AM
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Hello. I'm back to blogger, AND i made a new skin! love it.
okay, anyway, went to Vivo yesterday to eat, saw a few sec-somethings playing at the water feature... not sure whether they know that some little kids actually pee there. :''l
Sentosa after that, SUN, SAND, SEA... nothing much... pictures tour later.
sigh, I feel so wierd to be at home and not be studying. feels good. And I saw Miss PAng in town just now, She was with this woman... Alison figured out that it's her mother. anything. Teachers have mums too I guess. :)

first thing we did was just lie on the beach and SLEEP.

But we got disturb by some group of adults who were supposed to make a raft and float on it... tsk!
They capsized, oh well, too bad you disturb us. bad karma. see the woman leg still kana stuck... haha. damm funny.
started taking pics sice we were awoken... take 1.


skyride take... we were like in for surprise.

Until We realised how high we were actually going... I was scared that my feet would kick the trees k... after taking this pic, we started screamin....

we went to pose around the beach after that, this is damm funny cos there was this guy who was sitting on the rock above us. like how outofpoint is that?

tree pose 1 with pam.

haha... so unglam... I was supposed to lift my leg like some model... eww...
-end- more pictures up later la... lazy to upload with the screwed function...
wash me over
>12:28 AM