Went back to st.Margs to take back my results.
Took them long enough!
well, I was too scared to look at the board in case my name wasn't there. (it was bytheway)
Okay if I wasnt freakin crappin in my pants yesterday, I would have taken a picture of myself at that CRITICAL point of time. Totally a KODAK MOMENT.
1.I took the result slip, mdm su said CONGATULATIONS. sealed.
2. tore open the freakin envelope which was so freakin hard to tear
3. looked at it.
4. sat on the floor for some reason.
5. screamed.
right, sometimes I can't even understand myself.
I mean! I SAT ON THE FREAKIN FLOOR. in the middle of everbodyelse who were standing. Amidst people who were crying, laughing, jumpin, crackin, smilin. walkin, runnin' and all who were still standing- I sat down. I sat down and SCREAMED.
i mean like do people even do that?
okay, whatever.
check out my number.
cool right. I guess people do scream for a reason. okay, not so much about the sitting down part, but I guess this is what JOY means.